I hope you are ok?
You know that “feeling” when you get something done that you have
been working on.
Yea….I had that today…. handing in my nutrition in health and
disease assignment for my masters. DONE!
So I wanted to get right on to sharing some cool stuff with you!
At the weekend I had this message from Ironman.

That’s cool. My point isn’t to brag about that at all, but really just to
use it to show you some very simple things that you can do to improve
your efforts by AT LEAST 5%. I will be doing all of the below and some
to make sure I get in the top 1% this year.
** DISCLAIMER: I must say, unless you want to do triathlon, don’t train like a triathlete, my
weekends are full up of cycling with crazy drivers and ICE…..its not the best way to get healthy! **
I want to help you get 5%+++ more from your life by giving you some
simple tips you can implement TODAY!
I don’t think I speak to anyone on a day-to-day basis who wouldn’t
want to improve his or her health, we wouldn’t get on! So here are
some really simple tips that I think will improve your energy, zest
for day to day life, drive ,performance and stress management!
Let’s fire these in here.
1. Put raw ginger in your juices. It has some epic
anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce pain. Awesome if you get
joint pain! One of my favorites includes, ginger, tomatoes, carrot
and beetroot. Which by the way are all great detox aids for the
liver and have a HUGE amount of anti oxidants that are mega helpful
at burning fat and keeping the liver fresh. This little beauty has
been said to have great benefits for the blood pressure and in some
cases useful for those who get migraines! I actually get mega lazy
and cut it up and stick it in my chicken breasts to give an easy
bit of flavor.
2. Stop demonising carbohydrates! Yep. Just eat them at the right
times. Just after you wake up cortisol is high and the brain
needs carbs as fuel! Ever watched some who is on a “DIET”, get really grumpy
and actually lose concentration! Yep they are doomed for less productivity and
energy!Secondly just after training! Yep, you should
utilise this time to get good sources in, non fibrous fruits such
as banana and melon are readily absorbed around this time!
3. Train regularly! Not just when your mates fancy it! So, do
it with consistency and on your terms. When you
train pick big movements that drive your metabolism through the
roof! Some days its cool not to go as hard as others, one of the
reasons we cycle all of our programmes over a 4 week period. When
you don’t train MOVE.
4. Don’t use STRESS as an excuse, use it as a reason to
be proactive! You would be surprised the amount of times
that you feel so much better just by getting off the chair in the
office and moving around for 2 – 5mins at a time! THIS IS KEY to
improving energy too!
Those people who stay doing the same stuff
for too long OR never give themselves a chance feel like SH8T! They
get so stressed doing what they do and they think the answer is to
KEEP going! This ends up with them being “TIRED BUT WIRED” ( a good
book I have read by the way).
There are lots more including drinking green based drinks, eating
alkaline foods, eating cruciferous veggies , getting fresh air, not
moaning about the weather, smiling, spending time with cool people
(Golden rule that one) and just generally being proactive as you
are otherwise you wouldn’t have reads this far
Have a wicked week,
Matt ” off to find that 5++% more” Luxton
p.s. If you would like to get a bit more on this info don’t forget
to get the FREE Video series that I have put