It would be easy to say…… ah I have done that……..and kick back and watch others.
You know what, at times this year it has crossed my mind……
There have been days especially back in February when I was lagging behind my training partners going up hills….
actually as if I had been smoking 50 a day in my sleep…….I was struggling……
But I knew that if I stuck to the plan it would all come good on the day…..
Its MASSIVELY important around these times to remember that YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NOT THINGS.
So what did I really take from the Ironman 70.3 UK in 2015, that you too can apply each day.
Apart from smashing my PB by 15 minutes and being just outside 10 mins away from qualifying for the world championships……there’s a lot more……HERE WE GO….
1. Helping others achieve their goals is a massive part of what makes me happy. This year I have been coaching Dan and Paul.
You must check out their journeys :
– PAUL –
– DAN-
2. Even when you think you have given everything….until you cross that line you have more to give. I think this is where the physical side of the challenge brings a lot, BUT the psychological side is on another level. This week I have literally been buzzing mentally, been feeling like a 5 year old who gets told its break time at the end of a maths lesson! Physically, absolutely shot!
Not sure what I was going through here….but it looks horrendous 🙂
3. Be with like minded people, be with people who push you forward, not drag you down. In my training partners, theres plenty of banter, but plenty of hard graft. Being with them is immensely helpful…..when I needed a push they were there, when they need to dig in and get it done, they were safe in the knowledge that I am right behind them. Be with people who push you, that competitive edge is in us all…..we don’t like getting left behind…..thanks to this man in the picture below I have been aching for 4 days since sunday.
Mark Knight….a great athlete, an even better friend and the one who is responsible for me pushing myself to the limit on Sunday.
4. Do not compare yourself with people who aren’t like you……..yep….when it comes to Ironman you soon learn this. They are all different shapes, sizes, ages, obviously genders, training histories etc etc. Paul said to me, that when he stood on the start line, he couldn’t believe how different everyone was for the above reasons. Its the same when people come to me to change their shape, their fitness levels or their mindset……I could not care less where you think you are compared to anyone else…..ALL I CARE about is that you get better.
5. You can only control certain things…..It p**sed it down on the morning of the race. I mean it was disgusting and all week it had been really nice and by 4pm when everyone was done….it was beautiful. Sure it would have been awesome if it had been sunny, I would have smashed my bike time by more for sure. But like when trying to get fit and lose fat…….you cant start worrying about the end result before you even get the work done to get there.
That’s like self torture……. JUST DO THE WORK…..
Digging in on a wet a windy bike course. Renowned for its hills!
6. There were times where I thought I would have to walk on the run… my quads just locked up solid off the bike……I knew that it was more biomechanical from being going flat out on the bike course for just shy of 3 hours. I just kept telling myself in the first 3 miles of the run, “its in the mind Luxton, man up, dig in, push on”………
Like when people say they can’t train because of work, because of their family…..its just an excuse……the truth is…if its important to you, you will push through the barriers you put up and the lies you tell yourself. That’s why I think these challenges represent an awesome opportunity to challenge your belief system.
7. It doesn’t necessarily have to be longer, harder etc etc…..but what it does have to be is goal driven and exciting. Know what you want to achieve and break it down. For me it was sub 5 hours 30 mins for this race. A personal best. I broke down the swim, bike, run and worked out what times I needed to do to get this. I then trained from January 7th to get there. Knowing that this course is the hardest Ironman 70.3 in Europe and regarded as the hardest in the world by a former Ironman world champion, that excites me and thats why it has been the first event on my race calendar for the last 3 years and I will be going back next year to get better again.
8. That last line….ACCOUNTABILITY right there. I have told you, I will be back there next year to beat my time again….I want that world championship slot, even if it takes me another 4 years. I am after it and won’t be outworked in getting there. Next time you train, just outwork your last effort, push harder than the person next to you……be accountable to yourself and others when setting goals.
2013- 5 hours 42 mins
2014- 5 hours 33 mins
2015- 5 hours 18 mins
2016- sub 5:05 is what I want.
In life I find this massively important, I don’t want to settle for anything that is second best, I want to be successful in my field, I desire to be better than I was yesterday in that area, and the physical challenges is like petrol in a fire for me.
Thats why I use these, thats why I urge you to reach out… something that makes you shiver…..makes you feel alive……gets you buzzing with fear and excitement…….
Go on just do it, step out of your comfort zone, it IS where the MAGIC happens… won’t be disappointed.
Be Your Best,