** Blast Fitness Camps Holiday – in April – In Tenerife **

** Blast Fitness Camps Holiday – in April – In Tenerife **


Would You Like a Holiday?


In 13 weeks time I will be hosting a fitness holiday in Tenerife at the world class facilities of T3 in the south of the island.


For many people this time of year offers an opportunity for a “fresh” start. The Blast holiday could be just the target that many people need to help them remain focused in the first 12 weeks of the year. People tend to do really well when working towards a fitness and health goal when holiday is attached to it, I think it comes down to making the most of the free time they have.


The Blast Fitness Camps Holiday will be co hosted by myself and Del Pitcher from TTT Sports Ltd. Del actually happens to be my coach, I really wanted Del involved, not only for his VAST coaching knowledge but also one of the nicest guys you could wish to meet.


Between us, I think this unique fitness holiday will leave our guests feeling inspired and empowered.


Of course we will be doing fitness, we will be teaching you new techniques and ideas, but we will also be having some down time. This is definitely not designed to be a military style beat up! I want people to come out of the holiday feeling awesome and empowered to make the most of 2017.


The facility I have been too, I know its world class set up will only inspire our guests. There is nothing better than immersing yourself on a holiday like this around like minded people, with good food and exercise. Not to mention the sunshine and vitamin D to lift the mood and energy levels.


If you would like more information head to http://www.mattluxtonhealthandfitness.com/tenerifefitnessholiday


Here you will find the key information, including:


– Provisional itinerary
– Accommodation details
– Flight advice from the UK
– Payment details


We have already had a couple of people book on, so we have room for 8 more people to come and share this holiday with us.


Speak soon,






Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training 

Voted Cornwall’s Best Fitness Instructor 2016

Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012

International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula

Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan

Email: Info@fa-fitness.co.uk / Phone: 07841 136302



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