Good evening,
How are you? Just a quick message with a little catch up from the weeks goings on and something to have a think about first….
I had a few enforced days off at the start of the week….which gave me some time to be productive without being physically active as such!
I have been planning client programmes, organising our client appreciation evening and social, getting our new personal training website work under way and masters research methods
(which I am not enjoying that much!)
Here is one of the outline plans for my client who is doing his first Ironman in October 2018…. Outlining these journeys makes it much less of a gamble and more fun!

One of my thoughts for you this weekend……..
“One of the things about being highly intrinsically motivated or motivated by feelings, fulfilment etc rather than medals for example,
is that there can be times of overwhelming pressure, times where that strong dislike of not being good enough provides so much impetus that you can’t help but try to get better!
That’s where a fear of failure can be really powerful, not like the mush cookies tell you that it must be all about desire to win and positive reinforcement.
It’s not about beating anyone else, in fact far from it, it’s about not coming 2nd place to yourself!
Then the next thing I find, is that you need to manage expectations, not only of yourself but of those you place around others….
they just might not think like you, and that isn’t all that bad, remember that notion that if we were all the same and all that…..
That said don’t lower your ambitions….
Keep setting unrealistic goals,go and do what you want to do, help others along the way and have a good weekend”
That is it for now,
My Best,
Owner of Matt Luxton Health and Fitness
Voted Cornwall’s Best Fitness Instructor 2016
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: / Phone: 07841 136302