Up and at it this morning, ready to go for a swim…..its actually
take 2…..I forgot the students were on holiday, so the pool at
university are short staffed……..hopefully I will get more than
my warm up done this morning!
“Thoughts are ruining people”
I have been getting a lot of cool results coming through into
my inbox, mainly from our transformation programme…..
it has got me thinking again……
If it was a EASY as move more, eat less….. everyone would be
in great shape…..
trouble is most coaches fail to acknowledge that
clients need to be in control…not just of their thoughts but
their actions.
Thoughts are ruining people…..
You see, from where I am stood……..thoughts are just
tormenting people…
stopping them from starting.
Stopping them from getting the amazing feeling of happiness
and what good physical fitness can bring thereafter.
These people who really need help, rarely start because they
are so scared of being judged.
We focus too much on the end result.
Sometimes the result can be out of our control.
There is no happy ending on an unhappy journey.
What needs to happen is happiness and mastery within the journey.
This is what my coaching team and I have been doing….
AND in doing so, setting these people up for success.
We sometimes look too far ahead, when we should be controlling what
is RIGHT in front of us……
thats ultimately what we can act on.
It is ok to know where you want to be….I am not saying you
shouldn’t….but if you aren’t in control of the daily
actions…….you are just tormenting your mind.
Be PRESENT and do what needs to be done NOW and then move on.
Now just below you will see a few of the emails/messages I have had in the last 48-72 hours.
3 Things That Have Been Crucial So Far For Them
1. They have EXTERNAL accountability — yes they have a a coaching
team around them.
2. PERSONAL accountability — this is ownership for their actions
3. COMMITMENT — this is NOT about doing things based upon
how they feel…..but just DOING what they said they will do to others.
Oh those results (so far)…….