I hope you are well.
Did you catch my email on Friday about the children and how we can learn so much from them?
Had some awesome comments from some of the readers on that one!
If not…to make sure you don’t miss out on them in the future just pop your name and email in the box on the right of the page and I will also send you the “How They Got Their Bodies Back” ebook I wrote.
—————- Breathalised For The First Time ——————-
If you didn’t know I was in Spain last week for a bit of a break with Jo then I had some important work to do in Marbella on Friday….more about that a bit later.
I have been pulled over 3 times in the last 4 months! Which is cool.
They were just doing their job.
This Sunday, I actually got breathalised on way back to airport in the morning.
I was quite close to Peurto Banus. So hardly suprising given what goes down there on a Saturday night.
An interesting place!
It was actually quite funny, Jo had a little chuckle once she realised I hadn’t done anything wrong!
I did explain to the police officer that I would be surprised if it came back positive, as I hadn’t drunk since Boxing Day 2010.
I tried to blow as hard as possible, treating it like a spirometry test! I got to keep the plastic insert and everything! A souvenir!
On we went!
Talking of excess sugar and the liver I will be bringing more great tips to help this GEM of an organ out in my next few emails.
—————— What You Focus On Grows———–
One of those that you need to think about for a bit.
The way I was looking at it was from a view point of mindset.
Don’t worry I am straight talking none of this happy clapping stuff in here.
Maybe you are reading this having experienced the merry go round of , “I will start Monday” , or “I am too unfit to start”.
I think quite often it can be too easy to focus on our fears.
We worry about will I be the most unfit there or will I get left behind?
You need to avoid focusing on these kind of thoughts, because they will hold back forever more!
Remember, “What you focus on grows.”
It’s hard!
I know but you wont get what you want, if its your mojo, your strength , your health, your improved skin until you STOP focusing on the BARRIERS.
Instead try to focus on what you will feel like, how you will look, what it will enable you to do.
Try to keep these kind of thoughts with you when things might creep into your mind.
I keep doing this in the pool, the event that I am not so strong at!
I just keep picturing the finish line of the Half Ironman.
Simple as that!
Maybe you will picture yourself:
Wearing a piece of clothing, feeling great on holiday, being able to run around with your children or friends on the beach, looking good when out with friends or completing any challenge you fancy.
Keep it simple, but focus on positives.
By the way I am definitely not saying that it will be all positive, but CANNOT let the negatives grow on you!
Surrounding yourself with positive, motivated people will have a likening effect on your self.
Socialize with people who dwell on the negatives; complain about everything will only bring you down and literally suck out all the positive energy you once had!
Like attracts like.
These people do my nut!

This is what my coaching staff and I try to create for our clients each and every day.
As you can imagine it tends to be a happy and healthy growing place.
I must remember to tell you about my next two public speaking events on the next email.
One of them is next Thursday and the other is an invite to a new facility in Cornwall.
——– FRIED———–
Yep, only I can go on a holiday where there were two really nice days and get fried on the first one!
So when the body was fried, I had just about recovered from that and then it was the minds time!
Incase you don’t know, I am mentored currently by Paul Mort, regarded as the UK’s leading fat loss expert and nutritional minds. Including Working with premiership footballers and rugby players.
He actually now lives in Marbella, and only does consulting from there.
Hence my trip to Spain.
So off I go on Friday morning from the hotel, ready to rock and roll.
Paul wont mind me saying, but he is a pretty unorthodox character! A cool one, and thats why I like working with him because he takes no prisoners and is brutally honest with me.
He gets EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS for his clients.
So we spent the day looking at the things that I have in place for my clients and working on them.
By the end of the day my mind was FRIED!
So the body and now the mind were fried! Time to chill on Saturday!
(We went to this amazing restaurant….. a bizarre experience, I have never seen before! I will share this with you next time!)v
Still a cracking time and some very sexy things coming up.
On the subject of frying, the only thing you should be frying with is this!
Its awesome for helping with gut health, sugar cravings, skin quality and energy.
It’s worth getting some!
——— CHARITY EVENT – I Would Love You To Be There————
Would you be kind enough to get as many people as possible along to this one?
There is a prize for the person who brings the most guests.
Please share this with your friends, schools, work colleagues, staff and family.
Click the picture above and feel free to join the event group that I have created.
Your help sharing this is not just appreciated by me, but you will be helping people you have never met and probably never will, but your kindness will no doubt be appreciated.
