Good Afternoon, I just wanted to wish all of my readers, clients and friends a happy Christmas and thank you all for reading all of my content and sharing in the success of our clients in 2015. I have a number of emails planned for the festive period to keep you entertained so keep your […]
Ok, so I was on the phone the last week with a prospective client…. who I actually started working with on Monday 21st December. She took a huge plunge……getting on the phone with me. She asked a great question. What sort of results should I get? WOW! Thats a huge question….. […]
It’s with great delight that I can announce that Danny Groves will become a member of the Blast Coaching Team. To kick things off…..Danny (from Groves Health + Fitness) and I are teaming up to host a boxing skills and fitness workshop. Running on Tuesday 12th of January at 7pm, Wednesday13th at 7:10am, […]
pretty hard hitting title right? “no more room at the inn”, said the inn keeper to Joseph, No more people on board… So I’ve been in the fitness industry for just over a decade, yep I did my first qualifications when I was 17. I’ve kind of got the inside info on […]
I thought this might of interest to you…… Now if you are like me, you might not have finished your Christmas shopping. Well, I haven’t started it to be honest For you……. The gift of fitness might not be what your friend is expecting, but it might be just the kick-start they need. If […]
Eating quick fix foods and ready processed meals ultimately costs you time you tried to save by choosing the convenience food option… So I was having one of my many thoughts today around nutrition and the mind set around what it takes to be successful. My clients and the results they get…… […]
A Ladies Magazine And A Shopping List WOW…….don’t shoot me just yet! Guys can gain a lot from this too……. Part of what we help our clients do is to get clearer (gain clarity) on what it is that they really want. Its all part of the Eat Well, Train […]
Gaining Momentum and Moving Forward…… How TO….. get the ball rolling on YOUR health, fitness and lifestyle. It can be pretty tough getting started with improving fitness and nutritional habits….. And there are no exceptions to this……even those who consider themselves “into” it….. find it difficult after a break…. Me too…..Ive […]
Hey, Just a quick one from me today but hopefully really useful all the same. I managed to get my self a real bargain two weekends ago…….. all the best things in life are free right……. Nope…..picked up a cold….inappropriately dressed for a cycle I went out for. Had it in the neck since from […]
Mr Murray, You and I need this…….. Now unless you have been hiding under a rock, you will know that Team GB won the Davis cup at the weekend. You see this got me thinking about what made them a successful team. I think about what makes people successful all […]
Good morning , I hope this finds you well. Rarely do I write a blog that is solely about an upcoming programme that I have, but this one is for you, if you want to have a pre Christmas push on your health and fitness. At a time when routines go out the window, […]
Hey I hope you found the videos I shot earlier in the week useful. If you missed them they are in a link at the bottom in the p.s. Last night I sat down with Jo to watch the “Hunger Games”……. I was gripped by it, until I did my usual trick of […]