Cheese Cake, Amazon 1 Click & Where It Goes Wrong



Sorry I haven’t been in touch this week.


I have been getting my head down and mind focused in on an event this weekend.


It has been a little while in the making, in fact the journey started 6 months ago, in the rain, the wet and occasionally in the hail.


Why go to Spain and do it…..for me its all about the experience.


– On the outside looking in-


I often find that when I go to new places, I get inspired and I reflect on what I see going on!

You know how it is….its much easier stood on the outside looking in!


That’s why its so much easier to achieve having a coach, hence I have two coaches, one for business and one for fitness.


This is what I see right now….




I think that we are constantly bombarded with stimulants. Coffee, energy drinks, msg’s , addatives in foods, adverts, tv, media, news and other aggravating stuff (mail etc).


Thank god for Tulsi Tea some days ey !?!


If this is happening day in day out…’s little wonder that people find it hard to concentrate and then when the moment comes get excited about it!


They are DRAINED! Their emotional bank account is smashed!


It’s one of the reasons that so many people now are just used to feeling sick and tired.


-That’s not what life is about surely?!-


Their adrenal system is battered, not literally!


They are living on stimulants, depleted in vitamin C as a result and frankly have forgotten what it is like to be vibrant and full of zest!


Its all about instant gratification.


And jeez, I am like that too sometimes. If I want something I just want it as soon as I can.


“Amazon 1 click” is a nightmare for me!


Especially as I have thunder thumbs and often click it twice!


But seriously, it seems now that people can’t play the long game, we don’t want to know if it takes more than 8 weeks.


It’s hard to get excited if its too far in the future.


–       Work backwards-

This is why we help our clients find interim targets and actually work backwards from their goal.


Try it, decide what you want to do, break down the number of weeks.


If your goal is inch loss, fat loss…then work out how much fat you want to lose per week.


If you are walking the great wall of China, then find out how many hours you are walking each day and start making a plan.


Know your numbers 🙂


The next bit is crucial




Yep, it is not enough to be aware.


How many times have you had a conversation and your friend has said “ I know what I need to do…BUT”


We see so much, its hard to pay attention to everything sure!


BUT if  it is important enough you will need to pay attention.


AND guess what……


If it isn’t then that’s cool too!


I don’t subscribe to the winners never quit thing……


Winners quit a lot of things before winning, that’s part of it!





I see it all the time with clients, most of them who want to lose weight have tried pay as you go (translates as turn up when you fancy it).


A lot of these people also have tried slimming clromromubs and the like…….


Its not there fault, they just needed to find a better way.


The attention will come much easier when……


Inspiration is involved.




Yep, if you have read my articles previously, you will know about this.


Motivation tends to be extrinsic, linked with reward of some form.


Inspiration comes from withIN.


This is the key to “staying on track” ….none of us are ALWAYS 100% on track by the way!


Yep, I like cheesecake occasionally  too!


BUT….when the end result, has a real meaning that comes from within.


A real desire to take action.


A burning inside that makes you want to get it.


A feeling that you know will make you feel on top of the world when its done.


The whole thing goes to another level.


And hey, its cool not to get excited about everything I friggin hate washing dishes too!


Enjoy the rest of your Friday.


Matt 🙂