First up, this is NOT FOR CURRENT CLIENTS, we’ve already got you guys covered 🙂
If you’re not already one of our clients but are dealing with the same issues as some of them, brought on by being in self-isolation… we can help!
Maybe you’ve had to prioritise looking after the kids, loved ones, neighbours etc, which is making prioritising your own fitness, health and mental positivity, more difficult?
In order to help you tackle this and not only feel 100% better in yourself but leave isolation looking far healthier and fitter than you went in… I want to offer you the opportunity to come and join us for a purely online 7 day challenge.
It is completely free of charge, with no financial commitment whatsoever.
We are going to run this solely through a Facebook group, it’s going to involve;
> accountability, motivation and support
> nutrition coaching
> meal plans and recipe ideas
> a daily LIVE workout that you can follow along to, with no equipment needed in a small amount of space
The goal of this Free 7 Day At Home Coronavirus Challenge is to help you to;
> improve your physical and mental health
> lose a few pounds
> improve your fitness
> build up a resilience so you can give yourself the best chance with everything that’s going on
We are going to be looking to start this from Monday 27th April.
Here’s what to do next
1 – Click the link below
2- That will take you to our free Facebook group where we are running the challenge
3- We’ll give you all the starting bits inside the group
Hope to see you there!
Link is here
Owner of MattLuxtonHealthandFitness & The Tamar Performance Centre
Voted Cornwall’s Best Fitness Instructor 2016
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: Info@fa-fitness.co.uk / Phone: 07841 136302