This Nearly Killed My Grandma
She had severe liver damage!
So as you can imagine, I have an interest in it.
Hers was alcohol related. Thank fully she is well over it.
One Sunday afternoon , I called my grandma, spoke for a bit and she asked me if there was anything I needed from the health food shop.
As it turned out I did.
I needed some milk thistle.
She then proceeded to tell me how she had taken this and she believed that it saved her life!
I actually think that in years to come that liver disease will be the biggest killer of all.
This will not just alcohol related with low prices of budget alcohol, it will be related with Non-Alcohol Related Liver Disease (NARLD).
People think that advocating low fat diets will help people, let me tell you now its not! We are already seeing hugely increasing obesity rates.
Why do you think diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease are all on the rise?
You know that there are too many “products” on the market and in our shops and not enough “food”.
–—–I will go into more detail about this next time and tell you how to easily differentiate between them so you and your family don’t get caught out!———
Back to helping your liver…………
There are lots of things you can do, with some very simple steps.
Firstly if you want to be healthy and make the most of the one life we have, then clickHERE–
This is an article that I wrote previously about how you can make sure you’re your liver can be clean and benefit from reduced stress.
Over the next few emails I will be giving you the same step by step approach that we use with our clients on the Blast 9 Day Clean Up Project, all geared towards a healthy liver, optimal body composition, increased energy and generally attacking life and all of its opportunities.
The first thing you should do is read this article and then read on………
You see, regardless of whether your goal is fat loss or not, liver function is essential for healthy living.
A coach with a good nutrition program that targets the liver specifically will never underestimate the importance of a healthy liver.
The liver is one of the greatest multi-tasking organs, and below are the functions of the liver and why it is essential it is functioning properly for a healthy body.
I have read a number of books, been on many courses that focus on this, but to simply regurgitate all that content wouldn’t be helpful to you.
So…… Here are 3 things that you need to bear in mind when seeking great health. It cannot be achieved if the liver is being bombarded and overloaded.
It has to multi task already…….but these are just three of its roles.
Removing toxins.
The liver is the detoxifying organ. This means it is responsible for removing both the toxins we produce (through exercise or damage/injury) and that which we intake through food. Should the liver by dysfunctional, then these toxins are allowed to remain in the body and are targeted by your immune system, causing an illness response. Over-taxing your immune system is never good, so give the liver its best chance of removing toxins. You know that person who always has something wrong with them……show them this.
Breaking down and removing excess hormones.
Should the liver be damaged and unable to perform this role the hormone imbalances within the body will go unchecked, and cause health problems from pre-menopausal syndrome (PMS) to acne. The last part of the detoxification pathway is the skin, a very good indicator of the livers burden.
Regulating blood sugar levels.
The hormone insulin, when produced after meals, instructs the liver to store glycogen. When sugar levels in the blood get low, the liver frees up the glycogen in the form of glucose, for use in exercise. If the liver should fail to perform this task, the results would be sugar crashes, craving sweet things and ultimately late-onset diabetes.
This is why in the 9-Day Clean Up Project there will be NO artificial sugary-foods! Only clean, predominantly alkaline-based pure foods to give the liver a chance to successfully break down fatty acids.
———–Next time I will bring you a cracking juice and tell you which three vegetables/fruits have particularly good naturally occurring chemicals that help the liver.———
Drink AT LEAST one litre of water for every 50 lbs of body weight. For a person wearing 80kg (176 lbs), they should be consuming 3 ½ litres of water a day AT LEAST. Caffeine is strictly OFF LIMITS!
Forget this nonsense of it being a “fat burner” it’s a nutrient robber, messes with your brain, causes adrenal fatigue and is full of chemicals!
Caffeine-free liquorish tea in the mornings, Tulsi tea for the evenings is where to start.
Very simple stuff, but often people seek the magic exercise, the magic supplement.
Let me tell you, you can forget training hard and feeling awesome if you neglect the liver.
——– Ok folks that’s almost it————
You might have had this feeling before.
It certainly rattles my cage.

p.s. I am opening up 3 more spaces on my Blast Fitness Camp in Launceston. So if you want to know how to eat well, train well and ultimately live well then head over to Team Blast’s Website HERE and reserve your spot.
Doors close on good Friday and they may be gone next time you look.
p.p.s thats not a marketing tactic, its the truth we limit our numbers to keep the quality high which helps us get results like this: