I Take My Chance With 5 Ladies by A River in Exeter

exeter 10k

Some would have stayed in bed on Sunday morning….frankly not many

people would blame them! BUT the difference here is that it was a

first chance that none of these 5 ladies were prepared to miss out



And it had nothing to do with meeting me there either, they have seen me more than enough ! 😉


About 9 weeks ago, I had an idea… I wanted to help more people.


I wanted to help a group of people who ” cant run” (self diagnosed)

to run their first 10K race.


I wanted to help a charity that makes a real difference to those

who are less fortunate than us!


So I offered my coaching services to 10 people who were prepared to

accept my help……17 applied 9 succeeded and came on board.


I got them ready, 2-3 strength sessions per week and 2 run sessions

per week.


Yep less running than strength, key if you want to stay injury free!


Let me introduce Caroline…..without giving you her whole

history…..lets just say let alone not liking exercise 15 months

ago, the thought of running would probably have turned her grey!


She now hates MISSING training!

I witnessed her take her chance.


She got out there, and did not walk one inch!


She said it crossed her mind, but because she had gone into her

“uncomfort zone” before she knew she could do it!


The smile on her face this morning when I saw her at training was

awesome and I am bloody proud of her and the other ladies who were

loving it so much they even had enough oxygen to shout

encouragement at me as I ran!


Now her husband is getting in on the action! He cant believe how

much his wife has changed in 12 months…….so he is upping his game

in 2014!


The message here is NOT that you have to run, you don’t but find

something that is outside of your comfort zone in 2014, prepare for

it and then bloody enjoy the moment when you complete it!


Oh and by the way , tell me what you are planning on doing…I like

that stuff ☺


Have a wicked day,


Matt ☺


Incase you missed my email yesterday and you are looking for some

inspiration come to this free seminar I am holding on Thursday.

