Mr Murray, You and I need this……..
Now unless you have been hiding under a rock, you will know that Team GB won the Davis cup at the weekend.
You see this got me thinking about what made them a successful team. I think about what makes people successful all the time………
You and I both have a similar “need” to Andy Murray and the rest of Team GB.
I will come to that in a bit.
Recently I have helped quite a good number of men and women to make changes that are sustainable and getting great results.
6.5 Inches From The Waist In 6 Weeks
One lady whose pictures are above, had already been coached before at another establishment, but perhaps not in such a holistic approach.
So what did she do, she hired us at Blast Fitness Camps as her new coaching team. Up until now in 2015 she had been flying solo.
BUT you see, if you want to get BETTER you need the help of professionals, who do it day in day out….not for fun, not at weekends, not in between other jobs….but IT IS WHAT THEY DO!
I actually told a few people that I had done this and 100% of them said words to the effect of…..
“why do you need a coach”…….
I get it, its not as if a coach has secret powers.
BUT this is why you and me need coaches…..
The coach will help you identify weaknesses and areas you aren’t paying attention to……………
I do this with clients…..they do the exercises they like and they eat the foods that are convenient…but that doesn’t always make it right……sometimes they are!
The coach will help you identify when you are talking BS………….
Yep, I told my coach that because I am busy I could only train 8 hours per week including weekends. Then when I went through my diary, I could actually do 30% more than that!
Remember the stories we tell ourselves are not necessarily a reflection of reality.
So don’t tell me you haven’t got 20 minutes per day to cook and train to help lose body fat, because my BS radar will go off!
The coach will help you bust through plateaus…..
Many times I help clients see things they didn’t think were possible, partly due to past experiences and largely due to a belief that they CAN DO it!
It is 100% true that you hit parts where you feel like its all up hill….I actually had this recently, I had no “space” to think about my own plan.
You know when you have been caring for your family all day, you come last…..yep….just exactly that!
The coach helps you increase free will………..
By having a coach I have already created a lot of space to think. I can now just do as I am told, safe in the knowledge that I have a well qualified and results proven coach. This is exactly what we help our clients with as well, providing them with simple nutrition and training protocols to follow that are proven to work.
On my programme, I just do as I am told and it is bliss. I now have more time and mental energy to put into other things.
The coach helps you be accountable……..
It is hard to push yourself to the next level, without this. I bet you often do this in other areas of your working life, family life but then neglect yourself.
When I am being coached…I know that having that outside perspective, from someone who has coached 100s of clients before me, is brilliant.
He will know when it looks like I need a kick up the arse, or a slightly easier session.
It is actually like hiring a secret weapon….although I have told you….so its not so secret!
The coach will step outside the box…….
Whilst we are in our very own little box each day……the coach, who is stood outside looking in, can make recommendations and think more strategically.
This is exactly what I was doing with a lady this morning, when we were addressing her lifestyle.
She is wasting far too much time, doing unproductive exercise, not sleeping enough and is eating too many refined carbohydrates to target that belly fat she desperately wants to shift.
A bit like when I hopped on the phone with my coach, I knew he was good when he started to ask me questions
- What do you really want?
- What’s most important to you?
- How do you measure your success?
So here is the thing that you, I, Andy Murray and Team GB share……
We may all be very good in our chosen fields, but we cant be experts in every field.
21 Day Pre Christmas Challenge.
If you need help getting your lifestyle on track or to hit your goals, you can apply now to get involved in the 21 Day Pre Christmas Challenge.
If you want to check out the video I made discussing this programme please do so right HERE.
Thats it for now,
Have a good evening,
Matt 🙂
Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: / Phone: 07841 136302