Hope you are good. So yesterday marked the start of my first full week of coaching since our holiday in Australia yesterday…..whilst a few clients may well have slightly heavy legs,
my eye lids definitely feel slightly heavy this afternoon…..I will get back into the routine though!
Another little story here I wanted to share with you from Naomi, whom I coached online on my 6 Week Kickstart Programme. At the weekend she fulfilled a goal of hers, to run the Cardiff Half Marathon…..

You see that is EXACTLY what I want to help people with … GETTING STARTED……….
There are a lot of ways to get started in health and fitness, some better (much) than others.
Here are a few I recommend you pay attention to:
1. Identify what you need to be able to do to achieve your goal…….
2. Assess and address areas in your lifestyle that need immediate attention……. myself included (move away from the lemon meringue pie…your holiday is over)
3. Follow a training programme……yes that is different to a once a week turn up if you fancy it exercise class.
4. Match the right methods to your goals…..i.e. don’t go running if your goal is to gain muscle mass, or don’t be led astray by the media into thinking losing body fat happens with pills.
5. Improve your movement…..foam roll, do mobility exercises like we do with all of our clients before their strength sessions.
6. Use a mixture of high and low intensity cardio………It shouldn’t be all slow and it certainly doesn’t have to be all flat out. The body actually responds well to a lower intensity, shorter session in a fasted state. We teach our clients how to do this in the 6 week kickstart.
7. Measure and manage…..avoid doing things just because. I guess that’s what worries me about the random “beastings” I see on flakebook (Facebook) because anyone can make up a hard session, but the big question is, is that training getting the results they want? Train smart 🙂
The next 6 Week Kickstart for Ladies ONLY can be applied for HERE
The next 6 Week Kickstart for MEN ONLY can be applied for HERE
That’s it for today, any questions please let me know.
Matt 🙂
p.s. check out this picture Jo took after Blast yesterday……beautiful sky.
Blast Sky 🙂
Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training
Voted Cornwall’s Best Fitness Instructor 2016
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: Info@fa-fitness.co.uk / Phone: 07841 136302