Our first LADIES ONLY 12 Week Strength and Conditioning Programme at the studio.
This programme is explained a little more below….it won’t be for every lady but for some it will be life changing
Have a little read of what Carys has to say and what you can achieve
Very excited for all those involved….I can’t wait to see the results 
Here is what Carys has to say about the myths around Ladies lifting weights…..
It’s fairly common to enter what would be your typical commercial gym and see all males latched on to the nearest dumbbell or barbell while all the females are confined to the cardio equipment.
It’s a huge shame and a bit of a bugbear of mine that women often feel intimidated by the thought of lifting weights since the benefits of lifting far outweigh cardio benefits.
I’m not slamming cardio here, cardio should be part of any exercise plan, it’s useful. I’m rather saying that cardio on its own wont help you ladies get that shapely, toned figure that most of you desire.
So, myth busting time…
Ladies, if you pick up that barbell, you’re not going to turn into the female version of the incredible hulk, you’re only going to feel the following benefits;
Accelerated fat loss. If all you do is slog it out on a treadmill for an hour a day, your body will get bored and adapt to it’s current condition, shock it with some load bearing exercise and reap the benefits, weight training boosts metabolism. For every extra pound of muscle you put on, your body will use around 50 extra calories a day. Muscle burns more calories. Simple.
Shapes your curves. The best way for us ladies to enhance our body shape is by lifting.. that treadmill, in the long run (no pun intended) is ultimately going to diminish your muscle mass, leaving you “skinny.” Building lean muscle in all the right places equals a toned and shapely figure.
More energy & Better health (body and mind.) Want some more of those “feel good” chemicals? Lifting weights will boost those endorphins, greatly improving your psychological well-being and leaving you feeling energised and ready to go.
Improves bone health. As if we don’t have enough to deal with, us ladies are more likely to fall victim to osteoporosis or osteopenia as our oestrogen levels decrease throughout our lifetime. Lack of load bearing exercise can often accelerate these symptoms, so loading that bar may just keep those bones healthier and stronger for longer.
Improves libido. The word testosterone is often associated with men, but testosterone levels in women are actually very important. Weight training can boost testosterone levels (You wont get all hairy and start to grow a beard, promise!) in turn benefiting your mood and your sex drive.. sounding better than a cross trainer already, right?
Better sleep. Who gets 6-8 hours of good quality, uninterrupted sleep every night? Thats the range recommended for women, but many don’t reach it. Weight training can not only improve duration of sleep, but quality. Want a good night’s sleep? don’t be afraid to start lifting.
On that note…
Calling all my ladies!
– Do you need help toning up and increasing your strength?
– Are you already exercising, but you can’t see changes?
– Do you want education on nutrition and how to lift those weights?
– Do you fancy challenging yourself with something new?
– Or do you just fancy being able to rock up to that commercial gym one day and pick up the same barbell that that guy in the string vest has just put down?
I’m taking on a handful of ladies who want to build lean muscle, tone up, get stronger and socialise all at the same time…
This programme will be 12 weeks long and will progress from mastering bodyweight to mastering those compound lifts.
In return for your dedication and commitment you’ll receive
– A women’s only environment.
– 1-1 assessment at the start and end of the programme to measure progress.
– Live training sessions at a private studio in Lifton.
– Home sessions.
– Weekly nutrition guidance.
– Access to a private group for extra support.
– The knowledge and encouragement from 2 experienced coaches.
If you want to apply for one of the places on this transformation programme, or would like more info, please follow the link below and I’ll contact you to ensure this programme is the right fit for you.