Good Afternoon,
I hope you are well and enjoyed the success story I shared with you of Josh, the paratrooper whose running
we have dramatically improved over the last two months.
Earlier on yesterday I met up with Juliann, a client of ours who had been struggling to find something that fitted in
with her unusual daily routine and that kept her motivated, she was someone who would get bored easily!
At the start of her journey we measured her body fat, muscle mass, hydration and did all of her tape measurements for her.
Then off we went on the first 12 weeks of her plan and the results have been great …..5.6 inches off her waist which is exactly where she wanted to lose it from.
* 3 x 40 minute sessions per week
* A style of nutrition that she has found easy and to quote Juliann….
” Matts nutritional programme has turned everything I thought I knew about healthy eating on its head……
I now know how to maintain and sustain a healthy body weight. No more yo -yo diets for me. ”
* regular email support to help outside of sessions.
If this is something you need help with or someone you know needs help with please feel free to get in touch ( or share this
with them.
We have places available on our next Blast Fitness Camp starting Monday 31st October which can be booked via email.
Here are the results >>>

There you have it, more results.
Meanwhile here are 10 top foods to help get you started.
1. Avocado
These are loaded with fibre, which helps keeps you feeling satisfied and prevents hunger, as well as monounsaturated fats, which actually help to kind of spot reduce belly fat. Awesome!
2. Healthy oils
Such as coconut oil and olive oil (don’t over heat this oil though), which actually help you to burn fat, by giving your body the healthy fats necessary to burn body fat.
3. Cinnamon
This has been found to contain a type of antioxidant that increases insulin sensitivity, and helps to stabilise blood sugar, which means you’ll store less fat. Bonus. Load up with a teaspoon of this in your diet each day by adding it to oats,pancakes, drinks, or anything else!
4. Belly fat busting veggies
Such as brocolli, cauliflower, kale, sprouts (YUM) and cabbage contain something called indole-3-carbinol, which actually helps us to fight environmental oestrogens and xenoestrogens which can lead to belly fat accumulation. Drinking a specially formulated greens drink will also be a monster help here too!
5. Beans
No, beans DOESN’T mean HEINZ! However, black beans, pinto, adzuki, navy beans and lima (not just from Peru) beans all provide your body with a pile of fibre which not only helps you feel fuller for longer, but actually helps your body to detoxify itself and process all the crap that’s been getting in the way of your next belt hole for so long.
6. Berries
Like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and anything else ending in berries, are very low sugar fruits, provoking much less on an insulin response than many others such as our best friend the banana. They’re also packed full of fibre which helps them provide a slower release of energy, and on top of all that they are loaded with vitamins that can help eliminate cravings (cravings can actually come from vitamin and mineral deficiencies believe it or not – for a non scientific example, just look at someone on a processed food filled diet, and see how much they crave even more crap!)
7. Spicy foods
Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers and chilli powder, and has been shown to increase calorie-burning, stabilise blood sugar levels, and thus reduces fat storage. It’s also a potent antioxidant and so helps fight free radicals doing damage in your body too.
8. Salmon (not the processed stuff in a can)
This is the ultimate belly fat fighting food, as its packed sky high with protein and belly fat fighting omega-3. Most people are deficient in omega-3 (and actually eating up to 20 times too much omega-6), and by ensuring you’re getting a good loading of omega 3 each day, you can really begin to nail into your belly fat stores. Don’t like fish? Grab a high quality omega 3 supplement.
9. Meat
Yup, good ole fashioned meat. Packed with protein, fresh, quality meat sources are a must if you are to fight belly fat. Organic beef , actually contains something called CLA, which has been shown by studies to burn fat. Another bonus with protein, is that when you eat it, your body will actually burn up to 30% of it’s calories after you eat it! Bonus.
10. Eggs (not battery)
These are nutrient dense love machines when it comes to shifting fat. loaded with protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E, and K, folate, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, these things give you so much bang for your buck it’s unreal!
So there you go. 10 foods you can instantly get into your diet to help you get rid of belly fat in double quick time. These should be the first ten groups on your shoping list in the next 3 months to be in the best health going into the silly season!
Matt Luxton BSc(Hons), MMA- CSCC
Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training
Voted Cornwall’s Best Fitness Instructor 2016
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: / Phone: 07841 136302