Yea I know I haven’t written for a day or two!
I will be honest its been busy here at HQ, we have been getting
Lots of work done on our Blast Food – (ready meals) service.
Also been looking at implementing some software that we will be
using to track the efforts and work completed during our client’s
sessions and then you can email a report straight away so they can
see it.
It is very useful, I will be inviting a few to trial it for me , so
put your hand up if you want to do so.
Back to the title……..
Prisoners, Triathlon’s & Your Friend Sally
Interesting ….. as I haven’t taken a prisoner hostage at a triathlon and its got nothing to do with Sally!
Talking yourself out of it!
Yep I have done it too……..
On Sunday, I was competing a triathlon amongst some very good
company, one of which was ironman 70.3 world champion in his age
group and Andy, one of my best pals from uni and will be an usher at my
wedding in May ( if he behaves) who competed at Kona in the Ironman world championships in 2012.
Andy and I were waiting to go, we had racked our bikes, seen other
competitors doing their race prep and suddenly I realised that many
people had lost before they had begun.
Not lost as in their placing’s…but they were doing negative things.
Not just physical but, one lady was talking about how difficult the
bike course would be because it was so wet and windy.
Another guy who had a £5K bike was moaning about how his wheels
weren’t ideal for the bike course.
They hadn’t even started, but they were prisoners of their own
I couldn’t help but think that perhaps right now they would be
better off buying a £5 self help book on mind set rather than the
5K bike! It is actually one of the major things we do as part of
our clients programmes at the studio, helping them discover WHY
they want to achieve WHAT they “WANT”…….
——-Clarity precedes change——–
It is one of the reasons I actually don’t speak to anyone at the
start of a race, I learnt this from Mike , one of my clients who
told me how a lady was being really negative about her preparation
at the start of the triathlon he was competing in and it got to
him…since then he has avoided these kind of negative situations.
He is a smart dude and he competed his first full ironman in his
60’s…..yea…….and he couldn’t swim three years before that!

It’s the same for your health, fitness and life too………
Here are 3 key points to reducing stress and improving your energy.
1. This is easier said than done some time, but worrying about
things that are out of your control is a pretty good formula for
illness. You have to concentrate on what you do have control of
first…..reduce stress, look for good quality sleep, surround
yourself with people who support you, do the things that make you
happy and then you can concentrate on doing what makes you happy.
2. Don’t listen to people that are unsuccessful. The amount of
people who often tell others what to do but don’t do it themselves
or know nothing about it is unbelievable… You can imagine what its
like, your friend, Sally, pays for a gym membership and saw “this
legs, bums n tums workout” in women’s fitness and took this
slimming pill………. I like to pose this question to Sally, “ Ok, so
how’s that working for you?”
3. Ask yourself this question when it comes to your health and
fitness……”is what I am doing now the best use of my ME time?” 20
mins on the X Trainer and 20 mins on the treadmill probably isn’t.
You deserve better. When you spend time efficiently, nothing feels
better…it really is the only currency that matters when its all
said and done, as you will never get it back.
I promise not to leave it as long again……….
Catch you soon
Matt ☺
Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: / Phone: 07841 136302