I just wanted to say thank you for all the messages regarding my Elvis article.
Its clear that many people enjoyed that one and in some cases it was clearly timely.
So I thought I would continue with this……
Fitness Like #2
We can cheat in many things in life, whether it be sport, queues, exams…you name it we can seem to skip around it. BUT when it comes to our health, we cant. That is what I love about it, its so simple, if you want to have the energy, the skin quality, the strength and the confidence in our body…….you cant cheat to reach fitness and maintain your health. Sure you can get big by using steroids, but it will affect your liver. You can get better cycling times using EPO but it will batter your heart. If you want to be healthy and fit, you just have to live it.
Fitness Dislike #2
I enjoy my fitness training….BUT not every day to be honest….infact Monday…I had a mare of a session in the pool, I left P**sed off and dedjected!
But Tuesday brought a bike session and it went well.
It was for me, about getting in the mindset that yesterday was gone…..and today was a chance to put it right!
So, Why is it that people find it so acceptable to “workout” their body and yet so incomprehensible to admit working out their mind?
We do this with our clients at the studio in a process known as peeling the onion.
At the end of the day, that’s all therapy is. A work out. A puzzle.
Personally, I think self development, and taking chances to find out our “why’s” of any sort is brilliant.
I think if you have an issue and you work on it then that demonstrates tremendous courage and tenacity just as much as lifting heavy in the gym or posting a great marathon time.
Actually I absolutely LOVE it when people show courage to get started on their mission to improve their health.
Far from being selfish or overly self-concerned, I think endeavoring to understand one’s own cognition is massively beneficial to everyone around you.
And even if you don’t have a specific issue, the human mind is just FASCINATING.
Coaching, “therapy”, self-help books, retreats… whatever interests you.. stay open-minded and don’t be afraid to look beyond just a hard random workout to solve concerns you may have.
If you have been coached by me, or read my emails, you will know my stance on random sessions and pay as you go classes AKA turn up when you fancy it BS!
There is a lot more strength required to challenge one’s own preconceptions and fears, than you could ever put on a bar.
To Your Health,
p.s. If you want to be part of a programme that considers all apsects in a holistic manner and is underpinned with your health at heart then check out this EXPERIENCE WEEK we have starting next Monday in our North Cornwall venues.
p.p.s If you want to join us for our next ONLINE Blast At Home Fitness Camp programme , we begin on Monday as well. This is perfect for those of you who live further away or cant get to our live coached sessions.