Sugar coated banana omelette and an “affair”………
Yea…a weird email subject line I know….but whats to come was a bit weird too!
So one of the things I love to do is share information with my clients,
not generic rubbish, like you see some people sharing, like random pictures of workouts that have no structure to them, but real content that makes a difference to their results.
One of the ways I do this is daily email in the early stages of their programmes.
Actually the first 3 months depending on the programme they are doing.
So as you can imagine this level of support from “Matt Luxton” (name that appears in the “from” bit of the email), is super useful for the intended reader and helps get results like we do.
However, one gentleman, who was obviously a bit insecure, found this worrying.
His wife, a client of ours, thought that I was having an affair with his wife.
Haha…..all I did was send her a killer recipe that day for a banana omelette and some tips to improve her sleep patterns and generally make her buzz about the place.
The best bit….I actually hadn’t met her face to face.
Yep, Mike Goodman who coaches alongside me was in charge of this ladies programme!
Bless him…….
—– The sugar coated part—-

perhaps this gentleman could do with getting along to our Blast Fitness Camps sessions and boosting his morale a bit. Get out there with positive people, in the fresh air, get some quality “me time” and be done in 40 minutes!
You see you can sugar coat this…but I prefer not to.
It is hard to change to start with and yes you don’t feel amazing in the first 7 days.
I definitely put people off by saying it how it is………but I am cool with that, I definitely didn’t set out work with everyone and anyone…….
I want to work with people who are ready to embrace this as a lifestyle habit, a change that isn’t just for when they feel like getting out of bed or ……..
Sorry if that is you, but I wouldn’t want you to waste your time……
Coz I know isn’t the right way, its not the best way and its not what I want to be associated with.
— I am up for making it easier for you—
When you are under no false illusions about the journey ahead, then its much easier for me to make this very rewarding and EASIER…..
Yep it doesn’t have to be HARD..
You can make SMART choices that make your experience a whole lot better.
That’s why it pains me to see people doing the same thing every Monday in the gym, they make the same mistakes with their first meal of the day and they sabotage all their efforts by making a few poor decisions when it comes to reducing stress.
—- not for everyone—
I had 24 applications for our online transformation programme and I took 6 people on. I was going to take 5 , but then one lady didn’t see her emails til Tuesday, so I let her in!
So here is the deal if you want to take action, just head on over to and pop your name, email and phone number in the GREEN box and I will help you out.
We have two options for you.
One of which is a chance to be part of the Blast Fitness Camps LIVE 8 Week (May and June) Transformation Competition.

This starts Monday May 5th.
(yep prizes to be won, just for getting in great shape for the summer)
Ok, so I will leave it there for today.
Have a great weekend,
Matt “ don’t sugar coat banana omelette’s “ Luxton
Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: / Phone: 07841 136302