Hope Easter weekend was good for you.
Apparently it was meant to be a holiday, I don’t know about you but I always end up cramming loads into those weekends and feel like going back to “work” is a holiday!
Any how now everyone has filled up on chocolate and processed stuff, I thought I would ping this over to help you get back on track.
I didn’t want to be a party pooper by sending it over before…..
I am just in full flow with my 6 Week Drop A Dress Size Transformation Programme (no spaces left sorry) and one of the 6 KEY HABITS we are addressing this week, is alkalising their bodies.
I don’t want to bore you with science but there are a few things you SHOULD know.
- This is not new …..Dr Otto Warburg gained a Nobel Prize in 1931 for his studies in cell respiration.
- He proved that a persons health directly correlated with the amount of oxygen in his /her blood stream
- He noted that alkaline bodies absorbed 20 times more oxygen than acidic bodies.
Unfortunately that cream egg and your coffee sit in the acidic area.

Green veggies, grasses (wheatgrass, barley grass etc), some of the citrus fruits are good.
Only last week I had some blood tests back and fortunately my Alkalising Game Plan has been working well.
>>>>I like to get a scoop of Lean Greens in each day. Sometimes in the morning, and other days after training. This is CRUCIAL for me.
>>>>I also like to use pumpkin, sunflower and flax seeds as part of a seed mix. Almonds often get put in there too.
>>>>The other thing I do and recommend to my clients, which helps tremendously, is combing meats with green veggies and keeping fruit intake to in and around training times. I personally, tend to use berries, as these are rich in antioxidants which help to repair the damage we cause from toxins absorbed on a daily basis and after a good training session.
>>>> Getting as much fresh air as possible. Yep you got it, outside in the countryside, by the sea…not in the office!
REMEMBER: Viruses and bacteria thrive in acidic conditions. Once you get a sick cell, it is a domino effect and it wont be long until you have sick organs and you are laid up in bed., where you are no use to anyone.
If you are that person who wishes they didn’t get sugar cravings, wishes they didn’t feel sluggish about 3pm or wishes that “stubborn” belly fat would go…..then Start alkalising your system today 🙂
Matt 🙂
Owner of Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: Info@fa-fitness.co.uk / Phone: 07841 136302