Vitamin D & RESULTS
So this morning, this happened!
“Thank you to Matt Luxton and team Blast. After 6 weeks of the Blast MANSformation programme I have achieved loosing 15.5 lbs, 4 inches off of my waist, loosing 2-3 inches on my arms, chest, back and legs as well; significantly reduced my body fat, increased my hydration, my all round fitness and core strength.
If you want the motivation and direction to change, improve your weight, fitness and diet give Matt a shout. Photos show the difference. Now to maintain it

This was all achieved via our Blast MANSformation programme
We also run a very similar and hugely successful ladies health and fitness kickstart programme which can be applied for here:
Vitamin D
Some of you may know this already but between October and April in the UK we cannot get enough sunlight for our bodies to make enough Vitamin D for optimal health.
Below is a little extract from one of our programmes in which we help people by educating them around supportive nutrition.The poster attached is something that I created off the back of a bit of research for my masters degree and its there to help illustrate the findings into something usable!
Hope you find it useful.
“Like vitamins A, E and K, vitamin D is also a fat-soluble vitamin. It can be found naturally in foods such as herring, salmon and mackerel whilst it is also added to others and available as a dietary supplement often with calcium or vitamin K2.
It is important to highlight that low vitamin D status is not just a problem for athletes.
Vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium, which in turn will help bone development, immune function, blood pressure, nerve signals along with strength and mass of muscle. Mitochondria are the aerobic power houses of our cells and a combination of glucose and oxygen help to produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which is a high-energy molecule, used frequently in muscle contractions.
The major source of vitamin D for humans is casual exposure of the skin to sunlight, unfortunately between October and April in the UK it is impossible for us to absorb enough sunlight for the body to process the UVB rays and turn them into a usable form in the body (Vitamin D3).
Whilst it is hard to give one vitamin or mineral a higher status than another vitamin D is crucial, which is possibly why also often labelled as a hormone, because of its role in controlling the make up of around 800 different genes within our bodies.”
Oh and before you ask, no that isn’t me in the picture 

Hope you found that useful,
Matt 🙂
Owner of Matt Luxton Health and Fitness
Voted Cornwall’s Best Fitness Instructor 2016
Voted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012
International Best Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula
Author of The Hot to Trot Cook Book and The Equestrian Athlete Plan
Email: / Phone: 07841 136302