I have had some funny experiences with taxi drivers.
In Switzerland whilst playing in a rugby tournament, I was with two big south pacific islanders in the back, when this particular driver decided he was going to start telling us how he hated all the Asian people who had moved into his town! At this point we are all a bit surprised and I am just praying that he doesn’t go any further!
Next up a lady probably mid 60’s is taking our 7’s team back to the airport, decides at 2am that we need to stop off at her local bakery. Out round the back of a disused garage, she gets us all out, lines us up and one by one takes out orders! Then she casually continues our journey to the airport!
I was in Plymouth in the afternoon, getting a bike fit done to maximise my efficiency for my triathlons!
I am driving up to the entrance and I see this dude skipping, beside a taxi. A taxi driver in his work clothes, skipping with his rope! Naturally I stopped and told him that I thought that was immense!
He shouts back….”I gotta keep this under control” (pointing at his stomach)!
This just got me thinking about EXCUSES that people make for not having TIME for exercise, when they know this does them good!
I don’t have time- This guy was waiting for his customer to come out from their appointment at the same place I was going in. I was only waiting 3-4 mins before I went in. So I reckon he may have had 10 mins max! If that’s what you have use it. Do some squats, do some lunges , use those stairs, park further away from the shops…..don’t make the simple complicated. Stop making excuses…
There is never a perfect time to start– If this taxi driver was waiting for the “best” time, he would have just kept saying , I am at work I can’t do it. Instead he clearly isn’t waiting for the best time …he is making the most of the time he does have. He isn’t waiting for next Monday, he is just getting in the mix NOW!
Short bursts are good– We have had some fantastic results with sessions ranging from 10 mins twice per day to 40 mins. We give our clients a nice, simple, but thorough mobility sequence to do. Then they do their strength work, if appropriate we include their cardio within this or we do it nearer the end, then we stretch off. Take this lady for example who just started using my Blast Fat Loss Formula, lost 7lbs in the first week and a number of inches. Then there is Martyn….I am shooting a video with him on Friday. Nearly 2 stone in 28 days……Never trained for more than 40 minutes at one time. Also his blood press ure is better than it has been for 4 years and his doctor is now taking him off his meds.

You don’t need lots of equipment– we regularly coach clients with just one band which fits into a back pack, in fact it would fit into a pocket. The taxi driver probably keeps it under his seat. It doesn’t need to be complicated, sure we can get very specific when you need to.
So there we go, if you see a taxi driver skipping, tell him/her how cool they are!
Meanwhile, if you want to get started we have an EXPERIENCE WEEK at our Blast Fitness Camps next week for people who are just a little unsure if it is for them.
That’s natural and we want to help people make a start so if you have any questions about getting on the next Blast Fitness Camp, whether it be in Tintagel or Launceston, please feel free to pop your details on THIS PAGE and we will get in contact to answer your questions.
Speak soon